Beaumont Organic is an international luxury ladies wear brand that combines signature styling with contemporary classics. Teaming contrasting fabrics and unique silhouettes with eco fabrics to create a renowned style, the collection offers a wardrobe of transitional pieces that are ethically sourced, organic, and fair trade. The Challenge Beaumont Organic were using an off the shelf version of the OpenCart for which we had previously modified the checkout process. Following previous discussions, Beaumont had decided to go ahead with a complete overhaul of their website by moving to the Shopify CMS. The challenge was not only to produce custom content for their chosen template but also to ensure that their existing, stock portfolio, order history and customer database were also carried over in the process without any downtime to the storefront. The Objectives We arranged for our team to meet up with Beaumont Organic to discuss the options available. We produced a specification for the new requirements and possible complications that may occur during the transfer, taking with it the previous order history and the entire product database. We then set to work on changing existing Shopify templates, and packaging up the database to ensure no loss of content during the transition. The Team James Project Lead Rob Strategy & UX Elliot Lead Developer Dave Design / Quality Assurance What We Did Information Architecture Our team met with Beaumont to discuss the requirements for their new website and find out how much of the old site data needed to be carried over into Shopify. During the meeting we isolated any potential problems and worked out a scheduled plan of action to ensure the new Beaumont organic site would both look great and work perfectly. Design The well-established branding of a luxury, ethical clothing line was taken into account when the new Shopify site was created. We built upon and added functionality to their existing designs in order to improve the new site without affecting the Beaumont Organic brand image. Implementing & Improving Modifications were made to the Beaumont Organic back end to ensure that it ran smoothly, and small details were added to enhance the feel of the website. The check out process was smoothed out and arbitrary details were removed to ensure the highest possible conversion rate. Filters were added to the Shopify template to allow for easier navigation of the site and improve conversion. The powerful Shopify Content Management System put control of the website firmly in the hands of the client, who can now control virtually all aspects of the site features and structure. Additional features were added to the Shopify template to give Beaumont Organic even more control over the personalisation and customisation of their website. What we delivered The old Beaumont Organic site was completely remade and moved over to a Shopify platform from OpenCart. This made for a much smoother shopping and checkout experience while allowing us to add finishing touches to the site such as ‘Sale’ icons for reduced items, enhancing the user’s experience and encouraging customers to return. Our close relationship with Beaumont Organic throughout the whole process meant that the site was built completely to their specifications and the results were delivered promptly. Streamlined checkout process Unused or unessential checkout steps removed Much clearer and simpler than the cascading OpenCart system Shorter checkout system allows for improved conversion rates Transfer of customer database and order history Complete transfer of product catalogue and clear out of discontinued products Custom built Shopify plugins created to client specification Results Beaumont Organic now have a simplified process and more control in general over their site. As a result of the improved checkout pages, Beaumont are benefitting from an increase in return customers using the site and signing up by 17%. Although not initially identified as an issue, figures have shown that since the improved checkout was added, 17% more new customers have been retained as regular buyers due to the improved usability. “Indiespring have always offered a good service and are very easy to work with. They know the ins and outs of our brand and are more like an extension of our own workforce.” – Laura and Hannah, Beaumont Organic. Case Studies: Aid Training Our expertise helped Aid Training benefit from a 57% Increase in conversions on their online, course booking website. Find out how. The OTC Space Since we created OTC’s bespoke Drupal site, they’ve had over 300,000 new sessions on their site. Here’s how we increased their traffic. Farrat We completely remade Farrat’s old site in WordPress rather than static HTML, and it decreased their bounce rate significantly. See more here. BCL Legal Following their redesign, the already popular website has had over 95,000 individual users due to the simplicity and improved usability of the design. More examples of our work Get In Touch Whether you have a specific need or just want to discover what’s possible, we would love to hear from you. Contacting us is super easy: [contact-form-7 id=”838″ title=”Contact form – short”]