Mobile application development is unlike other forms of software development; the ecosystem is nascent, the landscape ever changing, as are the rules (if your application is deployed via the Google or Apple overlords). As custodians of mobile applications we need to keep our teams apprised of different platforms, different devices, App Store rule changes, changing user expectations and new features and hardware development, along with all of the usual challenges of software development.

For many technical teams, the mobile application is an ancillary offering which compounds the above issues. Clients or users may request a mobile application to improve access to your product but the skills, expertise and landscape awareness are unique to the app ecosystem.

If you are stuck or frustrated, this framework is for you.

Use it to get a handle on what you have, implement a strong development environment and begin iteratively moving towards a high performing, highly functional app.

We break the process into six steps:

It’s not rocket science but it’s surprising how few teams take the time to properly implement the above steps.