reports Reports Ben Magnall The Ultimate Guide to Push Notifications As the leading specialist in mobile application development for technology firms we are excited to share our Ultimate Guide to Push Notifications. This report takes a look into the best practices in the industry for push notifications giving you a comprehensive guide in how to utilise them within your own app’s while also stirring you clear of some of the most common mistakes. Download Indiespring’s report to read about what we consider to be responsible best practice for engaging with push notifications, we dicuss several different topics including: Push notifications uptake and engagement rates: With a fragmented market and different common practices across iOS and Android the way in which we need to approach users can be very different so we take a look at the background behind the two major OS’s Creating value for your users: Mainly how do we get users to opt in and keep them engaged once we do. All of this comes down to the offering within the push notifications themselves and getting the maximum value to the user at the right time. Fitbit – the perfect example of great engagement: We break down Fitbits user engagement methods and why they are so successful in driving people back to their app and keeping up with their fitness through some clever personalised push notifications. How to get iOS users to opt in: This topic is where most apps will let themselves down and as we have learned you may well never get a second chance so your on-boarding process needs to show the benefit from the start. Do you need to know how to correctly implement push notifications for your app? Then download the Ultimate Guide to Push Notifcations. Download the Report[contact-form-7 id=”4311″]