10 mins

A Guide to Choosing the Right App

In today’s digital age, B2B and B2C companies need to constantly innovate and enhance their digital offerings to stay ahead of the competition. One effective way to achieve this is by developing different types of apps tailored to specific business needs. With more options available to us than ever before we need to know which route is right for our business.

We will explore several types of apps – native apps, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), Web Apps and app clips – and delve into real-world examples to illustrate when each type is most impactful. Understanding these options will help you make informed decisions to elevate your company’s digital presence and offering… which will help the businesses bottom line.

Native Apps

Native apps are built specifically for a particular platform, such as iOS or Android, using platform-specific programming languages (e.g., Swift for iOS, Java for Android). These apps provide seamless integration with the operating system, enabling access to native features and enhanced performance.

When to Use Native Apps:

a) Complex Functionality: Native apps are ideal when your company requires complex functionality that heavily relies on device capabilities, such as accessing hardware features or leveraging specific sensors.
Example: Consider a logistics company that needs a robust app for real-time GPS tracking, order management, and secure payment processing. A native app ensures optimal performance, delivers a seamless user experience, and harnesses device-specific features like push notifications and geolocation services.

b) Rich User Experience: If your company seeks to provide a highly immersive and visually appealing experience to users, native apps are the way to go.
Example: A company in the interior design industry might develop a native app that allows clients to virtually visualise how furniture or decor items would look in their office spaces. This app can leverage augmented reality (AR) capabilities, ensuring a realistic and captivating experience.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

PWAs are web-based applications that combine the best of both web and native apps. They are built using web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) but provide a native-like experience to users. PWAs can be accessed through a web browser, eliminating the need for users to download software from app stores.

When to Use PWAs:

a) Cross-Platform Compatibility: PWAs are a great choice when you want to reach users across multiple platforms (e.g., desktops, mobile devices) without developing separate apps for each platform.
Example: A company offering project management software can develop a PWA that allows clients to access project data, track progress, and collaborate seamlessly across various devices, ensuring a consistent experience regardless of the platform.

b) Quick Deployment and Maintenance: If your company aims for faster deployment and simplified maintenance, PWAs offer advantages over native apps as they can be updated instantly and do not require app store approval.
Example: An e-commerce company might develop a PWA to enable its customers to browse and place orders conveniently, with the added benefit of offline access. This approach allows for rapid updates and avoids lengthy app store processes.

Web Apps

Web apps are accessed through web browsers and do not require installation from an app store. They are built using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, offering a platform-independent experience.

When to Use Web Apps:

a) Accessibility and Reach: Web apps are an excellent choice when you want to provide broad accessibility and reach to your customers. They can be accessed on any device with a web browser, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.
Example: A company offering project management software may develop a web app that allows clients to access their projects, collaborate with team members, and track progress from any device with an internet connection. This ensures easy access and collaboration for users regardless of their device or location.

b) Cost-Effectiveness: Web apps eliminate the need for developing separate versions for different platforms, reducing development and maintenance costs. They also simplify updates and bug fixes, as changes are instantly reflected across all users.
Example: A company providing a customer relationship management (CRM) solution may opt for a web app to enable seamless access to customer data, sales pipelines, and reporting tools. This approach saves resources by avoiding the need to develop and maintain separate native apps for various platforms.

c) Rapid Deployment: Web apps can be deployed quickly, allowing B2B companies to rapidly respond to market demands and deploy new features or updates without relying on app store approvals.
Example: A company organising events might develop a web app that enables attendees to register, access event schedules, and network with other participants. The rapid deployment of a web app ensures smooth event operations and provides real-time updates to attendees.

App Clips

App clips are lightweight, focused versions of native apps that provide a specific set of features. They offer a quick and seamless way for users to interact with an app without the need to install the full application.

When to Use App Clips:

a) On-Demand Interaction: App clips are suitable when your company wants to provide users with a snippet of functionality, allowing them to perform a specific task without committing to a full app download.
Example: A company in the food delivery industry can develop an app clip that enables users to quickly order meals from their favourite restaurants, without having to install the complete food delivery app.

b) Streamlined User Acquisition: App clips provide a frictionless onboarding experience, as they require minimal effort from users to try out your app’s core features.
Example: A company offering a document scanning solution might develop an app clip that allows users to quickly scan and store documents on the go. Users can experience the functionality without committing to the full app, potentially increasing conversion rates.

Using multiple apps

A case can be made for using multiple types of app as part of your digital approach. We have spoken in the past at length about creating a seamless digital experience for your customers and there is a link to a webinar here, where we show off several different types of app. There is a great example of how Starbucks uses multiple types of app really well and we demonstrate how some big companies are still getting this wrong.


Enhancing companies’ digital offerings requires a strategic approach to app development. By understanding the strengths and suitable use cases for different app types, such as native apps, PWAs, and app clips, you can make informed decisions to optimise their B2B company’s digital presence. Whether it’s leveraging the power of device capabilities with native apps, ensuring cross-platform compatibility with PWAs, or providing on-demand functionality with app clips, the choice of app type should align with the unique needs of your business, offering a seamless user experience and fostering growth in the digital landscape.