Friday means another opportunity to meet the team! Chris has worked at Indiespring for over 4 years, designing games, digital experiences including development in future technologies such as NFTs. We managed to pin him down for a quick 60 second chat:

What I do now…

Senior Unity Developer. I am developing several Unity-based projects of different types (games, experiences, etc) and maintain them post-release.

What I wanted to do when I was younger…

I wanted to be an astronaut, and part of me still does; but ever since I was introduced to games I’ve wanted to make them too, so at some point I’ll settle for making a space-based game!

My hidden talent is…

I have pretty good depth perception, and can give a pretty precise measurement of an object with just a glance.

What I love about Indiespring…

The people, the friendships and the freedom to innovate.

My chosen celebratory displate*…

Monty Python and The Holy Grail, specifically the Knight who says “Ni”. Just because I love watching Monty Python, and the Knight never gives up, which is a mindset everyone needs.

Indiespring in one word…



Connect with Chris on LinkedIn: Connect with Chris

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*What is a celebratory displate?
At Indiespring, we’re big on traditions to unite our teams together. When a new employee joins and passes probation, as a celebration they choose a displate that represents a movie, game, tv show etc. that they love or means something to them and it is added to our displate wall of fame. It’s a great way to learn more about each other, share our interests and to celebrate our various passions.